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Able Kuhns

Able Kuhns - McDermott Cue Ambassador


Playing Cue: G514

Break/Jump Cue:
Vanquish Mach 1 & Stinger NG05

McDermott Ambassador since: 2021

Competes: Western Nebraska/Eastern Wyoming (VNEA)

Home Club: Chute No. 7-Kimball NE

Major Accomplishments


  • 1st Place: 15th Annual Larry Martin Memorial 14 and Under Juniors Tournament


  • 4th Place: Mint Billiards Open
  • 17th Place: Colorado Junior Open
  • Manuel Gonzales JR Memorial 5 Man Team Tournamnet Results
    • 3rd: Juniors Tournament
    • 4th: Teams Tournament
  • 9th Place: VNEA Youth Singles
  • 2nd Place: 8-Ball BEF Championship
  • 7/8th Place: Heyball Championship
  • 13th Place: 9-Ball BEF Championship 
  • 5th Place: Young Hustlers Primier Challenge 
  • 1st Place: AMOW Wyoming State BAC tournament 
  • 2nd Place: Rocky Mountain VNEA Team Tournament 
  • 2nd Place: 12 Annual Memorial Bev Walker & Jarrold Harris Jack & Jill Scotch Doubles Tournament


  • 32nd Place: TAP Nationals – 4s 8ball Singles (Youngest Player)
  • 11th Place: TAP Nationals – 2/3 9ball Singles (Youngest Player)
  • 2nd Place: Trails West TAP National Qualifier – 2/3 9ball Singles
  • 5th Place: VNEA Junior International Tournament – Youth Male Singles
  • 1st Place: Wyoming BCA State AMOW – 13 & under
  • 5th Place: 2nd Annual Best of the West Open Team C Division
  • 2nd Place: 2nd Annual Best of the West Juniors
  • 3rd Place: John Aguniga Memorial Pool Tournament


  • 2nd Place: Cheyenne senior/junior scotch doubles
  • 1st Place: BEF National Qualifier (9 and under)
  • 2nd Place: BEF National Qualifier (14 and under)
  • 2nd Place: Wyoming State VNEA Juniors Tournament


  • 3rd Place: Cheyenne, Wyoming Junior Singles Tournament-Minors Division (VNEA)
  • 15th Place: John Aguniga Memorial Pool Tournament (Adults skill levels 2-5) (Kimball, NE)


I am nine years old and from the small town of Kimball, Nebraska. I am very active and athletic, along with pool I enjoy playing baseball, basketball, wrestling and riding horses.

I have been playing around with a pool cue since I was about two years old. I would sit on the table in our basement and shoot balls in, but I have been playing competitively since I was about six and a half. In the last few years I have be able to play in matches in seven different states, three of those states include two National events and one International event. I enjoy playing opponents who are better than me, I shoot better and learn new things. I will challenge the best to beat the best and to be the best!

Even though pool isn’t huge in Kimball I am working my hardest to get my friends into the sport! Luckly I am close enough to larger towns where the game is more popular. I play in a VNEA Juniors league in Cheyenne Wyoming- Paradise Pool League where I compete in league play every week then at Wyoming State and VNEA Junior Internationals through this league. Along with VNEA I play 8ball 9ball and Scotch Doubles in a TAP league in Kimball-Trails West TAP, though our league I qualified and competed for TAP Nationals which was held in Biloxi, Mississippi. I also play in weekend tournaments in Cheyenne and Denver Colorado, where I am compete with adults and more juniors who I have become close friends with.

I am grateful that pool is a family thing, my mom, dad and sister all play pool. We are able to travel as a family to pool tournaments and cheer each other on, I love to play against my dad he makes me a better player and helps me get a different look at the table.

Future Goals

One of my goals is to be a 7 handicap in TAP by the time I am 11, I am currently a 4. After finishing 5th at VNEA Junior Nationals last year I set a goal for myself to win that same tournament this coming year! I have practiced and dedicated more of my time to be able to compete with the best. Another goal of mine is to beat the junior who won my bracket at Internationals is from Colorado and plays in many other tournaments with me and is a great shot. At some point in my junior career, I would love to be able to play in Atlantic City in the SVB Open, this has been one of my dreams since my dad told me about the tournament. I would love to accomplish one of my other goals that has also become a dream of mine, and that is to play in the Mosconi Cup for Team USA!